My SAH Stroke, The Good Times and My Fight with Bureaucracy

I have for the past year being toying with the idea of writing a book about my SAH Stroke experience and recovery over the past 23 years It will be riveting with the many good times I have had with my family, dog, holidays etc but will also cover many other subjects on my view of Disability, Government, NHS and how the Coalition and Bureaucracy has worked against me and many others within the Stroke Community.

I have looked on Amazon and whilst their are many books about Stroke there are none with the content mine will have which will be warts and all.

I have for the past year been researching this book and it’s eventual content and have been spurned on by Sarah Gayton, Tessa Bowwater plus a few others to make a start.

I have a lot of ideas but sure you all appreciate I do not want to give too much away, but suffix to say it will be a good read.

Today my thanks goes to…….. The NHS

QA HospitalNever did I dream that I would be back in hospital again, but that is exactly what happened on June 2nd after being bent over in severe pain for the past 24 hrs it started off as mild abdominal pain and I never gave it much thought thinking it would pass.

That pain got worse as I lie in bed moving more to the right lower side until it became unbearable so I got my wife to use the 101 number for the out of hours surgery which lucky enough was the QA Hospital at Cosham Portsmouth, they rang back and told me to get down there for 6pm and I was given an assessment by the out of hours Doctor.

He diagnosed a burst appendix and immediately phoned the Surgical Assessment Unit 2 floors above to get me admitted that evening so my wonderful wife wheeled me straight there and was taken over to theater at 3:05 in the morning I remember looking at the clock on the ward as my bed was pushed out of the ward which was a nice affair with only 6 beds in.

My appendix was removed, my abdomen was flushed out and was back on the ward in SAU where I was given the most wonderful care which for me was harder for them than most as I was a Stroke Survivor with right sided spasticity.

Nothing was too much trouble for the Surgeon, Consultant, Nursing Staff, Cleaners and Porters who pushed me down to theatre at 3:05 am in the morning indeed they all played their part in my care back to health and I cannot thank them enough because what I had can be a serious condition but luckily thanks to them I was operated on in time.

At a time when the wonderful NHS is taking so much stick from the Government much of which I see as unjust and wrong I thought it was time for some much needed praise because we really do have a wonderful institution with many caring people operating it.

I am home now wounds almost healed and I feel much better with some weight lost too which is no bad thing really although now I can no longer tolerate sugar which my wife finds quiet amazing and not yet fully understood why this is by me.

I was due in urology on the 12th June for another biopsy to keep a check on the Keratinizing Squamous Metaplasia of the bladder I also have but this had to be cancelled and rescheduled when I am fit enough post appendix operation.

NHS Portsmouth from the bottom of my heart I thank you so much.


Have now phoned the QA Hospital to reschedule the bladder biopsy and have a pre-operation assessment this Monday and the Biopsy Wednesday coming.

Is the Attorney-General rebelling against Legal Aid changes in letter to barristers?

Mike Sivier's blog


It seems the Secretary of State for Justice – Chris Grayling – cannot rely on the support of his own Attorney-General over his plans to stop people who need Legal Aid from getting it.

Dominic Grieve (for it is he) has written to barristers concerned about the Ministry of Justice’s proposals. In this letter, it appears clear that he is entirely unenthusiastic about the proposals – inconsistent with his membership of the same government as Grayling.

I am grateful to Jack of Kent for the following analysis.

The letter notably contains no words that could be described as an endorsement of the proposals. He accepts that opposition to the proposals cannot be explained away by self-interest, acknowledging that there is serious and principled opposition to the proposals which cannot be attributed to mere selfishness.

And the last sentence suggests that the Attorney-General is not personally confident that the Lord Chancellor…

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