Nick (@mylegalforum) Takes on IDS ………

I am sure my readers will agree, for too long Iain Duncan Smith has been allowed off the hook in all manner of Press and Media we the people, we the social security claimants now have a chance to try and address that and try and bring some balance with the truth being told.

How do we do that? by putting IDS up against a very worthy contender some one who knows the truth someone who has worked tirelessly to bust the lies and deceit that this man spill almost daily and that man is Nick Dilworth who runs the excellent blog My Legal Forum and is Co-Founder of #newapproach who bring you the below message:

Nick is our USP. He’s the only campaigner who has first had experience on the front line dealing, on a daily basis, with the horror of the failed #WCA trying to pick up the pieces of shattered lives, people who are literally on the edge. Nick attends tribunals (and wins, almost a 100% record). Nick has experience of clients who have taken their lives.

Nick has more correct information at his fingertips and knows the correct (& true) statistics, that apparently IDS does not know.

#NewApproach intends to invite IDS to a challenge; Nick v IDS …….

Here’s more about Nick ……….

Nick Dilworth lives in Devon and is a welfare benefit specialist who has worked within the advice sector for many years. He has conducted many benefit appeals on behalf of thousands of benefit claimants with a tremendous rate of success. These include a full range of cases up to highly specialist level in the Upper & First – Tier Tribunals. Nick has considerable experience with disability & incapacity related cases as well as highly complex benefit fraud related cases, his experience extends to giving expert witness evidence in the Crown Court and delivering training across the advice sector and to solicitor firms who refer to him for his specialist knowledge.

As an ardent social justice campaigner, Nick has fought valiantly to defend legal aid for social welfare law cases and his work has been spoken of and commended by leading Parliamentarians in both the House of Lords’ & Commons. In more recent years he has picked apart many of the Government’s welfare reforms with a relentless analysis on the popular on line forum ilegal. His work is followed by many with thousands reading his regular articles on ‘ESA chaos‘ and ‘serious flaws‘ within government statistics.

Nick is well connected on social media via the @mylegalforum, he sees the injustice caused by the Work Capability Assessment on a daily basis and is highly committed to working with the disabled community to bring about real change. He has a level of passion about his work which is hard to match, when asked why he feels so strongly about the need for a new approach this is what he has to say:
“I’ve seen hundreds of casualties of the Work Capability Assessment, taking so many people through the daunting appeals process is of course demanding, but it is key to remember that each and every person you deal with is an individual. You get to know a great deal about the people you represent and the process used to determine their lawful entitlement. It is abundantly clear to me that the WCA is broken and beyond repair. It’s biggest failing is not to pick up on the true barriers which this crudest of tests fails to recognise. I’ve seen enough of the WCA and the people it torments to realise that the only solution is to work towards persuading those in positions of power to fully understand the disastrous implications of getting this so horribly wrong. My ethos is a firm commitment to do all I can to one day get people to see and appreciate the need to bring about real change.“

If you’d like to see Nick v IDS please RT!!

More details on #NewApproach at

Follow us on Twitter @newapproach_UK

Now all I ask is that you share, RT and reblog this to bring about awareness within press and media so that they can take on this excellent challenge.

Thank You

8 thoughts on “Nick (@mylegalforum) Takes on IDS ………

  1. This is amazing – it would be wonderful to see Nick put IDS into a corner and verbally castrate the evil swine.
    I’m not on twitter but I’ll share it on my blog and on facebook.

  2. Reblogged this on Britain Isn't Eating and commented:
    Now here is a fight I’d love to witness!
    Nick giving IDS not only a bloody nose on statistics, but also cuts above each eye, a fractured jaw and finally, leaving IDS reeling around from being punch drunk at the sound of the bell!
    Shame its only wishful thinking….the little shit wouldnt dare go toe to toe with Nick.

  3. Pingback: Nick (@mylegalforum) Takes on IDS ......... | W...

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