Rejoice or Despair that is the choice?



I am sitting here at a silly hour writing this because I Care!

I have seen the political rhetoric in the last two years in particular destroy our society, one that cared about each other and helped out where they could, where communities stuck together until Maggie put paid to those valuable qualities in the 80’s.

Why do I say this, well I will explain some cold hard facts to those who feel it is ok to attack their fellow man. Let’s make one thing clear, the banks caused this recession NOT the people.

Yet day after day our subconscious is battered with stories in various forms of media of the benefit scrounger, workshy, strivers, uncontrollable youth and the immigrant card instilling fear and dread in a once caring nation. We are encouraged to report various groups of people to various departments in government, from a self righteous standpoint…

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